So you wanna date a Yoga Goddess?

“It’s not what you call me, but what I answer to. I am a Goddess. I’m not afraid of the dark because I shine my own bright light through a stain-glass window, creating and dancing in my own beauty.” ~Heidi ♥

Yoga in the West is like a house on fiyaaaaaa! I suppose it’s the new in-thing to say, “My girlfriend is a Yoga teacher.” AKA Yoga Goddess. This also includes all the beautiful women who do yoga, not just teachers.

You can seduce a an average women’s mind to gain access to her body, but you must speak to a Yoga Goddesses soul to gain her full attention and affection. We don’t give it up easy. A Yoga Goddess knows that her passion is her purpose and living out her dreams will inspire you to do the same. This is her gift that she can give to the world.

A Yoga Goddess is open to everything and attached to nothing. Are you sure you want to venture into uncharted spiritual territory? It is in her nature to believe in something other than her relationships and herself. A Yoga Goddess is attune to herself and to the divine spirit of guidance, the universe, and always listens to her own intuition when she has to make a difficult decision. She is independent and won’t look to you to solve her problems or to hold her hand when times get tough. Can your ego handle this?

Ego is the reason men beg, steal, borrow, go to the gym and to war.  A Yoga Goddess is fully aware of a man’s ego. She knows that LOVE is the answer to any question. She does not want to go to battle with you. She will allow a man to feel in control so he can feel like a God but a Yoga Goddess always takes care of herself first. She won’t correct you when you say something stupid, she will just give you that aloof look and allow you to make the correction yourself.

A Yoga Goddess never sees her man when she is running on empty. Instead, she takes the time to care for herself by meditating, going to a yoga class, engaging in an active sport, reading a book, spending time alone or with her girlfriends. A Yoga Goddess eats when she’s hungry, she sleeps when she’s tired and works when she has to. If she doesn’t respond fast enough to your messages, sorry but she has her own life and will make time for you when time allows. Catch her if you can. If you are trying to find her, most likely she can be found connecting to nature, walking barefoot in the sand, paddling out into the ocean on a surf board, flying through the air on a kite or grounding down to the earth in seated meditation.

A Yoga Goddess believes there is only one master, herself. Not being led by ego but by mastering her mind and conscious thoughts through practice she can overcome anything. She doesn’t need you to complete her, instead she needs you to compliment her. If you want to hang onto her you must support her dreams and she will also embrace yours and provide the same support in return. The Yoga Goddess is whole and she is looking to attract another whole person. This isn’t Jerry Maguire, “You complete me,” sorta story. Don’t come carrying baggage because she travels light and does not carry a heavy load, she is free. When love floods her heart and starts to spill over, this is when, and only when she can offer it to you.

You see, A Yoga Goddess is quite content to be on her own, never feeling alone because she finds a connection in the innate oneness of all beings. A Yoga Goddess lives in the moment. She forgives you and herself if a mistake is made because after all, she is human and understand we all make mistakes. She has compassion for everyone including herself. She does not bring up the past because she knows the past no longer exists and she does not live there. She does not focus on the future because it has yet to come, nor does it exist. She lives for today, for THIS moment, enjoying and appreciating each moment. Truly living Santosha (contentment). She is happy for what she has and if you give her a gift she is forever grateful because she gives without expectation and without attachment but she is not expecting it because she knows that having expectations can lead to disappointment.

When a Yoga Goddess sees another beautiful woman, she is not jealous, she looks at them in awe and acknowledge another women’s beauty. She will not judge another or engage in gossip because that goes against her own beauty. She does not want drama. She has more important things to philosophize about. She realizes that when she stumbles, it is only herself she is tripping over. She does not blame anyone and does the self work necessary to fix herself.  She is a beautiful creature, creating her own beauty and dancing in her own light as if no one is watching.

A Yoga Goddess is from the world. She is free. Free to be.

So go on, ask a Yoga Goddess out on a date…

An ode to all my beautiful Yogi Goddesses, in Oneness! With love.

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Me and Seeking Santosha Nicaragua will be featured in Zetta Adkins-Kinney’s new book Goddess to Goddess. I’m going to plan a Goddess to Goddess retreat around the launch of the book! Maybe the author will even grace us with her beautiful presence?!! Wait for it….details coming soon.

4 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Kim Rangimaria Tasker
    Feb 22, 2012 @ 17:40:33

    ❤ this blog Heidi paz Kimi in Iguana


  2. Linda
    Feb 23, 2012 @ 18:04:37

    I am not a Yoga Goddess, I am just Goddess. I resonate with your words and agree completely. I t is a wonderful thing to know who you are.


  3. Candi Raph
    Feb 27, 2012 @ 00:00:30

    Thank you so much for sharing! You are a woman after my own hear 🙂 I can’t wait to actually sit down and chat with you, visit your sacred space and share stories of a Yoga Goddess!! xoxo Candi


  4. Neo
    Sep 05, 2012 @ 19:29:42

    Namaste : This is an amazing article. Heidi : You really attained the total spiritual awareness for which in yoga it says the idea of “Durga”: or in simple word the goddess. I really like to date and have in relationship while being not attached. The relationship would be more spiritual as divine “Shiva-Shakti’ and not the traditional meaning of relationship. Regards..Neo


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